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Marine Tondelier believes that the Prime Minister of the Popular Front will have to reach “consensus”


Laurent Nuñez claims to be “preparing” for “risks of disturbances to public order” on June 30 and July 7

As Gérald Darmanin yesterdaythe Paris police prefect, Laurent Nuñez declared on France Inter this morning that “the intelligence services are planning” “possible” “public demonstrations which could degenerate” on June 30 and July 7.

“The minister recalled that there are always risks of disturbances to public order, particularly on election nights, but not only that, we have experienced it in the past,” he added.

Laurent Nuñez announced that a meeting on this subject, supervised by the Minister of the Interior in the presence in particular of the director general of the gendarmerie and the director general of the national police, will be held in “a few hours” to ” prepare”.

Marine Tondelier declares that the Prime Minister of the Popular Front will be chosen “by consensus”

Raising the question of the Prime Minister in the event of victory of the Popular Front in the early legislative elections, and in particular the Jean-Luc Mélenchon hypothesis, the national secretary of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, assures on BFMTV that this position will be decided “by consensus”.

She also states that the left-wing Prime Minister will have to show “sincerity”, “appeasement” and repeats that he will have to achieve “consensus”.

“Republican barrier”: Marine Tondelier wants to “write to the party leaders” of the presidential majority

The national secretary of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier announced on BFMTV that she wanted to write today to the various party leaders of the presidential majority so that they could “explain eye to eye” “what they are doing”.

“If these parties persist, their voters will block them themselves,” she added.

She also announced that the environmentalist candidates “will withdraw” if they come in “third position”.

Édouard Philippe calls to “accept the result of the election”

“We must accept when we are democrats the result of the election,” declares Édouard Philippe, president of the Horizons party on France inter, emphasizing that he feels “very clearly” a “concern” and “anger” in a “tense” French society. .

Marine Le Pen assures that Jordan Bardella “already has his government in mind”

“I can confirm to you that (Jordan Bardella) already has his government in mind,” declared National Rally figure Marine Le Pen on France 2, refusing to give names and assuring that she does not intend to be part of it.

“There are a lot of people contacting us,” she added.

Ban on wearing the veil in public spaces: Marine Le Pen speaks of a “micro-subject” of a “much broader problem”

The leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, declares on France 2 that the ban on wearing the veil in public spaces is a “micro-subject” of a “much broader problem” which is “the problem of the fight against Islamist ideologies.

She assures that her party has drafted a law, planned for 2027 in the event of victory, which “will make it possible to fight against Islamist ideologies, of which (she) thinks that the veil is one of the elements”.

“That does not mean that all women who wear the veil are Islamists, but it is pushed by Islamist movements,” added Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen justifies tax exemption for those under 30

Marine Le Pen assures on France 2 that she wants to implement tax exemption for those under 30 so that “young people stay in France, so that they set up their businesses in France”.

“Many children are leaving our country, they are going to make their lives elsewhere,” laments the leader of the RN, assuring that “significant measures must be put in place” to maintain “this intellectual wealth.”

In Occitania, regional trains and buses will be free to vote

On June 30 and July 7, the first and second rounds of the early legislative elections, trains and buses in the Occitanie region will be free, according to L’Opinion. As long as you go to your polling station.

“For us, political leaders, it is a question of convincing people of the urgent need not to remain without voice, without choice”, said PS president of the region Carole Delga in a press release. (…) “Mobility should not be a barrier to citizenship”.

To take the bus, you will need to show a voter card or proof of registration on the electoral lists. To board a TER, you must first complete an online form.

“LR is dead”: Aurélien Pradié announces leaving the Republicans

In an interview given at La DépêcheAurélien Pradié, the deputy for Lot and candidate for his succession, announces that he is leaving the Republican party, of which he is the former number 2. A decision which comes after the alliance between Éric Ciotti, contested president of the party , and the National Rally.

“For the first time in my life, I submitted my candidacy for the legislative elections without being attached to an existing political party,” he explains, emphasizing the relaunch of his micro-party “Du Courage”, “created during the regional elections”.

“LR is in an inextricable situation. Gaullism is not dead, it is more alive than ever but LR is dead. (…) The party to which I belonged is no longer capable of speaking to the French”, declares Aurélien Pradié.

For François Ruffin, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is an “obstacle to the victory of the Popular Front”

The outgoing MP François Ruffin estimated on TF1 that the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon was an “obstacle to the victory of the Popular Front”.

“It’s not support here for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it’s rather something that repels voters,” said François Ruffin from his Somme constituency where he is running in the legislative elections to be re-elected as a deputy.

“It’s no longer a melon, it’s a watermelon! Be careful: if it swells so much, it will explode,” said Former LFI deputy Adrien Quatennens strongly reacted to X.

Retirements: Laure Lavalette assures that the National Rally “has not varied an inch either on long careers or on the rest”

While Jordan Bardella explained during the debate with Gabriel Attal and Manuel Bompard that a person starting work at 24 could start working at full rate at 66 with the reform desired by her party, the outgoing RN deputy from Var affirms on BFMTV that there is “nothing new under the sun”.

The National Rally “did not vary an inch either on long careers or on the rest”, declares Laure Lavalette.

“He is better than at the level”: Mélenchon praises Bompard after the “debate between future Prime Ministers”

Did Manuel Bompard perform well against Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella? For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, unsurprisingly, the answer is a resounding yes and the debate is proof, according to him, that he would have a place at Matignon.

“This evening, Manuel Bompard demonstrated a strength, a level of knowledge and a human sensitivity that others have not matched,” he said on X. “This debate between future prime ministers shows that he is better than the level.”

Pensions: for Jordan Bardella, a worker who started working at 24 will retire at full rate at 66

“My priority will be long careers,” conceded Jordan Bardella. During the debate organized by TF1 last night, the president of the National Rally recognized that the “record public deficit” and the “unprecedented budget deficit” will “lead him to make choices” in terms of pensions.

Thus, he affirms that if his party wins a majority in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, a person who started working at 24 will retire “with 42 years of contributions, that is to say 66 years”.

Purchasing power, pensions, immigration… what to remember from the debate between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard

Five days before the first round of the legislative elections, Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard debated yesterday for around 1 hour 40 minutes. Purchasing power, energy, immigration, pensions… The three personalities discussed several major subjects at the heart of this electoral campaign.

Only four days left until the first round

Hello everyone, and good morning! Welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to monitoring the political news of this Wednesday, June 26. Two weeks after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, the early legislative campaign called by Emmanuel Macron is in its home stretch.


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